I watched the televised meeting regarding cannabis, some - I plan on watching it all soon.
I had to shake my head at much of what I heard.
I also was astounded at the LACK of education displayed by our Police, government & many 'so called' politicians. That officer from Saskatchewan -I wanted to ask him - have you been paying attention or are you just going to KEEP re-hashing all thats been already mentioned the past several years? He appeared to me a professional, full grown crybaby and potential bully.
One politician stated Dana Larsen "has no respect for the law" I wished he would have simply responded - "YOU are correct. For a law that hold no respect for Canadians."
Laws MUST be changed - Rules must be broken. At one time it was illegal to breast feed. Illegal to be married to whom ever you choose- Illegal to many assumed 'rights' if you were born ingenious in early Canada.
ALL changing.
THANK YOU! Canadians have shown in countless situations.
WE care about each other.
Frankly, when you know what I do, what millions are aware of and especially- the Canadian Cannabis activists in the community (many more knowledgable than I) know- it angers you.
Angers because it's still all about lies. Angry because there is still FEAR mongering about a substance far less deadly than most prescribed medications- yet they speak of Cannabis with a negative stigma- STILL. Not far from calling it the Devils weed. Shameful.
When will it end? How can the government in this day and age - rely on ignorance.
They can't. They will not be able to continue such blatant lies. Building up fear over a new industry that will thrive and grow. Pun intended.
Canadians are not stupid.
Canadians are compassionate.
The legal lies must end so WE can ALL focus on helping each other where we need it most.
Police NEED more money?
Think of all the resources NOW that they won't be busing people over a plant!?
Perhaps they can focus on things that really matter like HUMAN trafficking. Domestic Abuse, Child Abuse, Animal abuse.. ALL things which actually HURT.
Next- 'You've got mail'...
NO, I don't, because it was stopped and SEARCHED & seized in Canada!!
I have warned this before - Someone is taking my mail. ;(
& for some- it's not nice because I've had some ART go missing too.
Keep Creative
I had to shake my head at much of what I heard.
I also was astounded at the LACK of education displayed by our Police, government & many 'so called' politicians. That officer from Saskatchewan -I wanted to ask him - have you been paying attention or are you just going to KEEP re-hashing all thats been already mentioned the past several years? He appeared to me a professional, full grown crybaby and potential bully.
One politician stated Dana Larsen "has no respect for the law" I wished he would have simply responded - "YOU are correct. For a law that hold no respect for Canadians."
Laws MUST be changed - Rules must be broken. At one time it was illegal to breast feed. Illegal to be married to whom ever you choose- Illegal to many assumed 'rights' if you were born ingenious in early Canada.
ALL changing.
THANK YOU! Canadians have shown in countless situations.
WE care about each other.
Frankly, when you know what I do, what millions are aware of and especially- the Canadian Cannabis activists in the community (many more knowledgable than I) know- it angers you.
Angers because it's still all about lies. Angry because there is still FEAR mongering about a substance far less deadly than most prescribed medications- yet they speak of Cannabis with a negative stigma- STILL. Not far from calling it the Devils weed. Shameful.
When will it end? How can the government in this day and age - rely on ignorance.
They can't. They will not be able to continue such blatant lies. Building up fear over a new industry that will thrive and grow. Pun intended.
Canadians are not stupid.
Canadians are compassionate.
The legal lies must end so WE can ALL focus on helping each other where we need it most.
Police NEED more money?
Think of all the resources NOW that they won't be busing people over a plant!?
Perhaps they can focus on things that really matter like HUMAN trafficking. Domestic Abuse, Child Abuse, Animal abuse.. ALL things which actually HURT.
Next- 'You've got mail'...
NO, I don't, because it was stopped and SEARCHED & seized in Canada!!
I have warned this before - Someone is taking my mail. ;(
& for some- it's not nice because I've had some ART go missing too.
Keep Creative