Cannabis in Canada has ARRIVED!
Well.. it’s always been here thankfully and now it’s soon to be legalized! AMEN.
No more jail for a joints. After all I’ve witnessed- it IS why I personally wanted DECRIMINALIZATION - but Legalization and taxation was the obvious choice… to all.
Canada Day 2018 and MANY will light up legally for the first time!
I’m thrilled and not.. the ONLY reason I AM not thrilled:
It is Canada Day & I AM all for allowing cannabis to be use in CELEBRATION!
But It’s a Sunday- it’s gonna be hot & there will be much alcohol consumed. *For those NOT use to cannabis- THIS is NOT the day to overindulge. The two combined will have a heightened HIGH.
>>>Here is the thing as Forest Gump put it.. Stupid is as stupid does. <<<
I guess any day is as good as any, when you think of it that way.
Please stick to the safer alternative IMO cannabis - alone.
You shouldn't feel the need for anything else if you have Quality Bud!
Grown with TLC & THC & there are a few good grows all around he world!
WHY does anyone have to 'take over' anything - Look where it has us on a global scale.
There is more than enough education out there and YES… PARENTS- with legalization coming TAKE the opportunity to educate your own kid before someone else does! I’ll try to help with that in the future - stay tooned.
I have lessons to share with all about life. 10 years & counting, God willing.
The only negative thing I can think of about cannabis - is Alcohol. Alcohol is proven to kill in record numbers all the time.. especially on holidays. Truth.
I DO not believe children (under 18) should use it.. the longer you can go without feeling the need to be HIGH on a substance instead of life.. the better.
We have been legal to use Cannabis as a medicine for 10 years. Thank God.
Seriously ILL Children- including babies- SHOULD be able to use cannabis as a medicine- and I pray we will have continued education with it now that legalization has come along. If a child experiencing pain can use the natural medicine -to help ease their pain. & possibly cure - why would it not be an option? Under a Dr.s guidance if possible. Many children hospitals all around the world preform miracles daily! The next advancement will be cannabis as a 'natural medicine' in hospitals. I would be a HYPOCRITE if I denied them this. OR a vaporizer before a ? Addictive Drug they can't get off.
Our own community lost a young man, just starting his life..
I hope was not due to drugs ;( ... Prescription drug Kill. Cannabis does NOT.
Storm is living proof. I AM living proof . lol There are days... I have tried
it's impossible to overdoes on cannabis ;) A terrific sleep I get - every time.
I encourage parents to research cannabis for numerous conditions, I have witnessed it's healing first hand.
I have big news.. several things.. I'm meeting again with the brain surgeon soon. I will keep you posted. I'm going to be discussing our designated grower, Feeling HIGH, coloring and more... Cards added to the site MID May! The best news by far is I've been hired by a Canadian Company to promote their Cannabis business! More Tomorrow..
With Love
Well.. it’s always been here thankfully and now it’s soon to be legalized! AMEN.
No more jail for a joints. After all I’ve witnessed- it IS why I personally wanted DECRIMINALIZATION - but Legalization and taxation was the obvious choice… to all.
Canada Day 2018 and MANY will light up legally for the first time!
I’m thrilled and not.. the ONLY reason I AM not thrilled:
It is Canada Day & I AM all for allowing cannabis to be use in CELEBRATION!
But It’s a Sunday- it’s gonna be hot & there will be much alcohol consumed. *For those NOT use to cannabis- THIS is NOT the day to overindulge. The two combined will have a heightened HIGH.
>>>Here is the thing as Forest Gump put it.. Stupid is as stupid does. <<<
I guess any day is as good as any, when you think of it that way.
Please stick to the safer alternative IMO cannabis - alone.
You shouldn't feel the need for anything else if you have Quality Bud!
Grown with TLC & THC & there are a few good grows all around he world!
WHY does anyone have to 'take over' anything - Look where it has us on a global scale.
There is more than enough education out there and YES… PARENTS- with legalization coming TAKE the opportunity to educate your own kid before someone else does! I’ll try to help with that in the future - stay tooned.
I have lessons to share with all about life. 10 years & counting, God willing.
The only negative thing I can think of about cannabis - is Alcohol. Alcohol is proven to kill in record numbers all the time.. especially on holidays. Truth.
I DO not believe children (under 18) should use it.. the longer you can go without feeling the need to be HIGH on a substance instead of life.. the better.
We have been legal to use Cannabis as a medicine for 10 years. Thank God.
Seriously ILL Children- including babies- SHOULD be able to use cannabis as a medicine- and I pray we will have continued education with it now that legalization has come along. If a child experiencing pain can use the natural medicine -to help ease their pain. & possibly cure - why would it not be an option? Under a Dr.s guidance if possible. Many children hospitals all around the world preform miracles daily! The next advancement will be cannabis as a 'natural medicine' in hospitals. I would be a HYPOCRITE if I denied them this. OR a vaporizer before a ? Addictive Drug they can't get off.
Our own community lost a young man, just starting his life..
I hope was not due to drugs ;( ... Prescription drug Kill. Cannabis does NOT.
Storm is living proof. I AM living proof . lol There are days... I have tried
it's impossible to overdoes on cannabis ;) A terrific sleep I get - every time.
I encourage parents to research cannabis for numerous conditions, I have witnessed it's healing first hand.
I have big news.. several things.. I'm meeting again with the brain surgeon soon. I will keep you posted. I'm going to be discussing our designated grower, Feeling HIGH, coloring and more... Cards added to the site MID May! The best news by far is I've been hired by a Canadian Company to promote their Cannabis business! More Tomorrow..
With Love