Recently in a Canadian court case, a judge said: it was God given Canadian right, to "flip someone the bird!"
This made me laugh out loud. Flip the bird is a.k.a F*ck you! Giving the finger & Up yours..
I wonder how that term originated, birds are so fricken sweet when they flip - I'd be wanting more.
I doodled Sweet Cheeks - flipping the bird. If flipping the bird' was illegal - millions would be 'guilty, daily.
I can no longer 'flip the Bird' to anyone - due to arthritis. Oh well, as long as I can paint - I'll survive. lol
Celebrate today - flip the bird to your neighbour in appreciation!
It quacks me up. I am pleased the judge arrived at this conclusion.
This made me laugh out loud. Flip the bird is a.k.a F*ck you! Giving the finger & Up yours..
I wonder how that term originated, birds are so fricken sweet when they flip - I'd be wanting more.
I doodled Sweet Cheeks - flipping the bird. If flipping the bird' was illegal - millions would be 'guilty, daily.
I can no longer 'flip the Bird' to anyone - due to arthritis. Oh well, as long as I can paint - I'll survive. lol
Celebrate today - flip the bird to your neighbour in appreciation!
It quacks me up. I am pleased the judge arrived at this conclusion.