Bears in our backyard. 12 x 9 gouache
With all the rain -the forest greens are so vibrant, I can't count all the different shades.
While it rained, I painted the bears caught on the tail cameras. How sweet those tiny cubs are - mom not so much, especially while educating her cubs, not something I want to encounter while exploring the woods with the dogs. Not sweet but magnificent, still. I think they have ventured on as the dogs don't seem to be sniffing the air any longer, or barking at the woods. We have taken (& will continue) to take extra care disposing the trash, especially food scraps & have not filled the bird feeders.
We watched (on Netflix) - The Days... 7 days in total... well not quite -as it's still ongoing. About the nuclear power plant in Japan. The last episode in particular was very powerful, a lesson I hope we would learn from others, rather than learn the hard way - as Japan did. Nature destroyed, being claimed by humans... claimed again by nature.
Below - a stump just off the driveway - where I can pick mushrooms for a meal.
Dryads saddle - beautiful & edible.
Thankful for the bear sighting (especially since it was not in person), grateful for another glorious day in Gods garden - Planet Earth. The mushrooms are going to be abundant this coming week, after all that rain!
Enjoy the adventure - Rejoice - another day to explore... & paint more bears.
With all the rain -the forest greens are so vibrant, I can't count all the different shades.
While it rained, I painted the bears caught on the tail cameras. How sweet those tiny cubs are - mom not so much, especially while educating her cubs, not something I want to encounter while exploring the woods with the dogs. Not sweet but magnificent, still. I think they have ventured on as the dogs don't seem to be sniffing the air any longer, or barking at the woods. We have taken (& will continue) to take extra care disposing the trash, especially food scraps & have not filled the bird feeders.
We watched (on Netflix) - The Days... 7 days in total... well not quite -as it's still ongoing. About the nuclear power plant in Japan. The last episode in particular was very powerful, a lesson I hope we would learn from others, rather than learn the hard way - as Japan did. Nature destroyed, being claimed by humans... claimed again by nature.
Below - a stump just off the driveway - where I can pick mushrooms for a meal.
Dryads saddle - beautiful & edible.
Thankful for the bear sighting (especially since it was not in person), grateful for another glorious day in Gods garden - Planet Earth. The mushrooms are going to be abundant this coming week, after all that rain!
Enjoy the adventure - Rejoice - another day to explore... & paint more bears.