Are you fine with the upcoming expected fine for cannabis?
My pal Crusty Rusty called me -"$1000.00 !! One Thousand Bucks if your caught puffing not he sidewalk! This is legalization?!"
The penalty for using cannabis in public is up to $1000 for a first offense and up to $5000 for subsequent offenses.
What a joke this is.. & I can assure you - I will be smoking in public on occassion- when I feel the need. There is nothing like a good, strong bong hit or joint to slow down my twitch giving me a bit of a break & time when I NEED that break before I break. Edibles help the body but don't have the effect I need when smoking/vaping *before I GO any further- I myself DO NOT like to encourage SMOKING with children - I don't draw it in the mouths of certain characters & do not like the fact that Vape pens are being glamorized' because I feel it will encourage more children to try & get addicted to cigarettes (the kind PROVEN to give you cancer) PLEASE... Don't be a dick - Don't smoke in front of kids (cannabis included) if it can be helped & I've never nor will I ever smoke on a 'school property'.
BUT- back to these fines- COME on! DO they think Canadians have a sticker that states 'sucker' across our forehead? This will end up in court- why... BECAUSE OF THIS:
My pal Crusty Rusty called me -"$1000.00 !! One Thousand Bucks if your caught puffing not he sidewalk! This is legalization?!"
The penalty for using cannabis in public is up to $1000 for a first offense and up to $5000 for subsequent offenses.
What a joke this is.. & I can assure you - I will be smoking in public on occassion- when I feel the need. There is nothing like a good, strong bong hit or joint to slow down my twitch giving me a bit of a break & time when I NEED that break before I break. Edibles help the body but don't have the effect I need when smoking/vaping *before I GO any further- I myself DO NOT like to encourage SMOKING with children - I don't draw it in the mouths of certain characters & do not like the fact that Vape pens are being glamorized' because I feel it will encourage more children to try & get addicted to cigarettes (the kind PROVEN to give you cancer) PLEASE... Don't be a dick - Don't smoke in front of kids (cannabis included) if it can be helped & I've never nor will I ever smoke on a 'school property'.
BUT- back to these fines- COME on! DO they think Canadians have a sticker that states 'sucker' across our forehead? This will end up in court- why... BECAUSE OF THIS:
When I was younger a boyfriend & I were strolling around the block at 10 p.m. he had an open beer - I didn't have anything - a cop pulled up and gave him a Ticket for just over $50.. the cop was a dick. I lived 8 doors away - it was hot, the stars were out - obvious we were a couple just enjoying the evening (what ever- perhaps he was jealous). BUT the current fine for driving with an open beer/liquor in a car is ONLY $175.00
What the FUCK? ! Cheers. This almost encourages drinking & driving!!
What is wrong with those in power - this is NOT rocket science.
This is NOT right. FIGHT it if you get a ticket for smoking a joint in Public.
I won't even bother to compare the numbers of deaths related to each substance in the cartoon - there is another reason Cannabis PROVEN less harmful out of ALL three- YET- the fine $1000. for a 'first time offence?!
Which leads me to address - I'm pretty sure I STILL see people DAILY out & about smoking a cigarette including on school property. How much are people fined for the PROVEN cancer causing 'coffin sticks' costing out government already due to health reasons? LOTS.
Don't believe me? RESEARCH - Prove me wrong...
My new book arrived BYW (below) only a few pages in & :
I fucking LOVE it!
Amen! lol Book review soon.
The coffins have been picked up and I'll show you where you can go 'RIDE' one!!
IF YOU DARE!! lol - More SOON!
With TLC & THC
>>>Spill any paint lately?<<<
What the FUCK? ! Cheers. This almost encourages drinking & driving!!
What is wrong with those in power - this is NOT rocket science.
This is NOT right. FIGHT it if you get a ticket for smoking a joint in Public.
I won't even bother to compare the numbers of deaths related to each substance in the cartoon - there is another reason Cannabis PROVEN less harmful out of ALL three- YET- the fine $1000. for a 'first time offence?!
Which leads me to address - I'm pretty sure I STILL see people DAILY out & about smoking a cigarette including on school property. How much are people fined for the PROVEN cancer causing 'coffin sticks' costing out government already due to health reasons? LOTS.
Don't believe me? RESEARCH - Prove me wrong...
My new book arrived BYW (below) only a few pages in & :
I fucking LOVE it!
Amen! lol Book review soon.
The coffins have been picked up and I'll show you where you can go 'RIDE' one!!
IF YOU DARE!! lol - More SOON!
With TLC & THC
>>>Spill any paint lately?<<<