lol - I crack myself up! Happy Saturday!
I love ART, Especially BIG art. Geoglyphs can be found all around the world.
This one caused me to giggle, a human would fit in the nipple- so you get the idea of the size You know what they say- Dream Big!
Of course I had to give him a Georgia Toons touch.
Painting, card creating, mushroom making, logo designing - I'm about to have an incredibly creative day, how about you?
The other day I unfriended some real friends on IG..
I was feeling as though I let them down... :(
several events triggered this.. one friend thought I was upset with 'him', - it was the opposite, I was upset with me. I let stuff 'get to me', whispers.. then I thought - YOU are LETTING it get to you- and when we do that- we give others control. It took some mental sorting, a little crying and new F*ck you attitude, has me fine again.
That & a few friends.. thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
We had dinner with some friends this past week.. home made pizzas (NOM NOM) I struggle eating with others... the pizza was so good- it was all everyone focused on. ;) it was nice to go out for a drive and see hints of spring! This winter has absolutely flown.. and now the return of the birds! Geese - I saw them when putting out peanuts this morning- they shouted "Good Morning!!!"
BTWAY- have you read the new research about giving your children peanuts EARLY MIGHT avert the alergy- I was giving Storm peanut butter as soon as he could eat solid foods- I LOVE peanut butter. The same goes for introducing babies to pets! Do it. .. to hopefully introduce & avoid allergies. Time to Paint a very special tribute to Michelangelo.
With TLC & THC
I love ART, Especially BIG art. Geoglyphs can be found all around the world.
This one caused me to giggle, a human would fit in the nipple- so you get the idea of the size You know what they say- Dream Big!
Of course I had to give him a Georgia Toons touch.
Painting, card creating, mushroom making, logo designing - I'm about to have an incredibly creative day, how about you?
The other day I unfriended some real friends on IG..
I was feeling as though I let them down... :(
several events triggered this.. one friend thought I was upset with 'him', - it was the opposite, I was upset with me. I let stuff 'get to me', whispers.. then I thought - YOU are LETTING it get to you- and when we do that- we give others control. It took some mental sorting, a little crying and new F*ck you attitude, has me fine again.
That & a few friends.. thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
We had dinner with some friends this past week.. home made pizzas (NOM NOM) I struggle eating with others... the pizza was so good- it was all everyone focused on. ;) it was nice to go out for a drive and see hints of spring! This winter has absolutely flown.. and now the return of the birds! Geese - I saw them when putting out peanuts this morning- they shouted "Good Morning!!!"
BTWAY- have you read the new research about giving your children peanuts EARLY MIGHT avert the alergy- I was giving Storm peanut butter as soon as he could eat solid foods- I LOVE peanut butter. The same goes for introducing babies to pets! Do it. .. to hopefully introduce & avoid allergies. Time to Paint a very special tribute to Michelangelo.
With TLC & THC