2021 the year of the OX.
In like a big stubborn OX.
It will be another year with covid lockdowns, masks and 'vaccine shaming' & job loses, increased suicide rate and opiate deaths will continue to raise. Moooooooooo
I'm excited for 2021 - a new year - the 'date' is just another, not a day to get drunk- quite the opposite. Should start your new year fresh, AWAKE and energized or start it hung over and feeling sick & depressed the choice IS yours. The new year can be seen as a reset', a clean slate. This way of thinking/imagining allows me to say "goodbye" to the past year and all it's bullshit (Ox in this case) & forgive the past year and those in it & look forward to a new year with new hope. I'm looking forward to witnessing new creativity surrounding working, entertaining and living. From what I'm reading rent will drop and more apartments will be available - affordable living in the city - go figure... we are already in January soon Spring will be here before know it and it will be time to plant a garden!
I noticed someone I've always liked, posting some 'vaccine shaming' - knocking those & their intelligence not not wanting to get the vaccine. It was a good lesson for me to 'see'... I like this person - does he even realize he appears right now: to be a nasty, judgemental ass.
Frankly, it's quite the eye opener on a few levels. Allowing anyone to put something in our body is the ultimate test of human rights - our government is stating it is NOT mandatory - but others will sure let you know what they think - DO they think? I've researched the effects of medicine more than most due to having a child who was expected to take several medicines (& I did not agree then! THANK GOD) & I have experienced serious allergic reactions to "medicine" in the past. I don't care what anyone 'THINKS', I will wait - up to 3 years and watch the numbers of cancer rates and birth defects before I vaccinate & with a changing Covid- will the vaccine even work in 3 years- or will we be expected to have another and another..
For ANYONE who thinks - I'm being ignorant research Thalidomide babies, just one example there are countless examples and more recent - I am not making this up, just sharing our history so we don't repeat it. Thalidomide babies.
If you THINK this 'doesn't happen anymore' - the ignorance does not lie with ME..
so, I am staying off line - off social media 'currently - so I don't send this person a message telling him not to be such an asshole - because i KNOW, he is behaving from FEAR. I will not contribute to this fearful mindset and knocking others for what they choose to do with their OWN bodies. & really - who cares what some stranger on social media thinks? Some who sits on their phone and 'comments nasty remarks on others pages' all day - is the last opinion, I'm taking seriously. We are NOT God, we are still very much capable of making medical errors... long term side effects - for medicine not tested long term is an accident waiting to happen. I hope I am proven wrong... in 3 years.
I am also done justify my actions to anyone... ever.
The Lord knows my intentions - I'm Good.
Fearful -not me. Faith FULL.
By the grace of God.
I'm excited for 2021... in like an OX Strong, stubborn & powerful.
In like a big stubborn OX.
It will be another year with covid lockdowns, masks and 'vaccine shaming' & job loses, increased suicide rate and opiate deaths will continue to raise. Moooooooooo
I'm excited for 2021 - a new year - the 'date' is just another, not a day to get drunk- quite the opposite. Should start your new year fresh, AWAKE and energized or start it hung over and feeling sick & depressed the choice IS yours. The new year can be seen as a reset', a clean slate. This way of thinking/imagining allows me to say "goodbye" to the past year and all it's bullshit (Ox in this case) & forgive the past year and those in it & look forward to a new year with new hope. I'm looking forward to witnessing new creativity surrounding working, entertaining and living. From what I'm reading rent will drop and more apartments will be available - affordable living in the city - go figure... we are already in January soon Spring will be here before know it and it will be time to plant a garden!
I noticed someone I've always liked, posting some 'vaccine shaming' - knocking those & their intelligence not not wanting to get the vaccine. It was a good lesson for me to 'see'... I like this person - does he even realize he appears right now: to be a nasty, judgemental ass.
Frankly, it's quite the eye opener on a few levels. Allowing anyone to put something in our body is the ultimate test of human rights - our government is stating it is NOT mandatory - but others will sure let you know what they think - DO they think? I've researched the effects of medicine more than most due to having a child who was expected to take several medicines (& I did not agree then! THANK GOD) & I have experienced serious allergic reactions to "medicine" in the past. I don't care what anyone 'THINKS', I will wait - up to 3 years and watch the numbers of cancer rates and birth defects before I vaccinate & with a changing Covid- will the vaccine even work in 3 years- or will we be expected to have another and another..
For ANYONE who thinks - I'm being ignorant research Thalidomide babies, just one example there are countless examples and more recent - I am not making this up, just sharing our history so we don't repeat it. Thalidomide babies.
If you THINK this 'doesn't happen anymore' - the ignorance does not lie with ME..
so, I am staying off line - off social media 'currently - so I don't send this person a message telling him not to be such an asshole - because i KNOW, he is behaving from FEAR. I will not contribute to this fearful mindset and knocking others for what they choose to do with their OWN bodies. & really - who cares what some stranger on social media thinks? Some who sits on their phone and 'comments nasty remarks on others pages' all day - is the last opinion, I'm taking seriously. We are NOT God, we are still very much capable of making medical errors... long term side effects - for medicine not tested long term is an accident waiting to happen. I hope I am proven wrong... in 3 years.
I am also done justify my actions to anyone... ever.
The Lord knows my intentions - I'm Good.
Fearful -not me. Faith FULL.
By the grace of God.
I'm excited for 2021... in like an OX Strong, stubborn & powerful.