In a few hours it will be 2019 - the year of growth - again..
Thankful cannabis is legal in Canada - I want to CELEBRATE this year with my cannabis art. I also painted a mushroom calendar- woo hoo- turns out I will be the only one who has one (I couldn't afford printing- maybe next year!) I'm still excited to share - I'll start with the first one tomorrow! This year I'm going to paint a medicinal mushroom calendar- for 2020 - Medicinal mushrooms will be next to be legalize & I encourage them for depression & acceptance... although not for a recreational high- imo, I prefer the 'high of cannabis.
I understand psilocybin mushrooms ARE illegal - after my experience & continued education - I also understand it's no more than prohibition all over- for no good reason as I am reading AGAIN, they are considered safer than alcohol & other medications, I know they are helping with issues I've struggles with for - ever, they bring clarity- they 'teach' me what I should & should not be stressing over- there's not much to stress over - life is life- good & bad, no one gets out alive. Psilocybin Mushrooms have helped me accept Trigeminal Neuralgia as a learning lesson' in patience and even assist with me understanding the LACK of understanding from others. I've also noticed although at times I feel drained & teary - I'm not crying, whats the point- other than a lovely occasional lubrication for the eyes.
I'd like to end this year by asking others to lose their judgement of something so simple as mushrooms- they might not be for you' BUT there is countless evidence they are in FACT helping some very sick people & have for centuries (the research HAS been done) - have you noticed all the mushroom art throughout history- especially with Jesus? I'd also like to ask all my friends who are parents who have children (young adults) who are suffering from depression to RESEARCH for yourself the difference between antidepressants & psilocybin... HELP your children before you lose them to depression & toxic drugs. Help them before you lose them to opiates, Simcoe county (where I live) reports they have one of the highest overdose rates PLEASE watch this:
This is NOT about encouraging DRUG use to get HIGH - this is about encouraging a safer, less toxic medicine to address issues such as addiction & depression - & educating yourself- get curious! I believe it was the founder of AA (and a well known banker) who introduced Psilocybin's to the USA decades ago because he believed it would make America great again.. (can't resist) we all know how that went -the same with Alcohol, cannabis & now mushrooms - PROHIBITION, let's not forget peyote. I refuse to wait- as my health deteriorates - wait for what? A NEW pill - which after 10 years will be shown to have cancer causing side effects & then some... NO thanks - I CHOOSE natural medicine, if someone thinks this is reason enough to put me into jail - it speaks volumes about them and not me - I refuse to be a part of the problem because of lack of knowledge. How about you?
It's a new year tomorrow! Another year of saying: YES! Bring it on.. life is never boring.
Ready or not here it comes!
With TLC & THC
In a few hours it will be 2019 - the year of growth - again..
Thankful cannabis is legal in Canada - I want to CELEBRATE this year with my cannabis art. I also painted a mushroom calendar- woo hoo- turns out I will be the only one who has one (I couldn't afford printing- maybe next year!) I'm still excited to share - I'll start with the first one tomorrow! This year I'm going to paint a medicinal mushroom calendar- for 2020 - Medicinal mushrooms will be next to be legalize & I encourage them for depression & acceptance... although not for a recreational high- imo, I prefer the 'high of cannabis.
I understand psilocybin mushrooms ARE illegal - after my experience & continued education - I also understand it's no more than prohibition all over- for no good reason as I am reading AGAIN, they are considered safer than alcohol & other medications, I know they are helping with issues I've struggles with for - ever, they bring clarity- they 'teach' me what I should & should not be stressing over- there's not much to stress over - life is life- good & bad, no one gets out alive. Psilocybin Mushrooms have helped me accept Trigeminal Neuralgia as a learning lesson' in patience and even assist with me understanding the LACK of understanding from others. I've also noticed although at times I feel drained & teary - I'm not crying, whats the point- other than a lovely occasional lubrication for the eyes.
I'd like to end this year by asking others to lose their judgement of something so simple as mushrooms- they might not be for you' BUT there is countless evidence they are in FACT helping some very sick people & have for centuries (the research HAS been done) - have you noticed all the mushroom art throughout history- especially with Jesus? I'd also like to ask all my friends who are parents who have children (young adults) who are suffering from depression to RESEARCH for yourself the difference between antidepressants & psilocybin... HELP your children before you lose them to depression & toxic drugs. Help them before you lose them to opiates, Simcoe county (where I live) reports they have one of the highest overdose rates PLEASE watch this:
This is NOT about encouraging DRUG use to get HIGH - this is about encouraging a safer, less toxic medicine to address issues such as addiction & depression - & educating yourself- get curious! I believe it was the founder of AA (and a well known banker) who introduced Psilocybin's to the USA decades ago because he believed it would make America great again.. (can't resist) we all know how that went -the same with Alcohol, cannabis & now mushrooms - PROHIBITION, let's not forget peyote. I refuse to wait- as my health deteriorates - wait for what? A NEW pill - which after 10 years will be shown to have cancer causing side effects & then some... NO thanks - I CHOOSE natural medicine, if someone thinks this is reason enough to put me into jail - it speaks volumes about them and not me - I refuse to be a part of the problem because of lack of knowledge. How about you?
It's a new year tomorrow! Another year of saying: YES! Bring it on.. life is never boring.
Ready or not here it comes!
With TLC & THC