My Totem Animal is The Wolf.
I know we share this land with wolves, we’ve seen & heard them… we share their land.
After the bear encounter last year, I did some educating and we never leave any food out.
We are careful with what we toss in the trash too - bears have incredible smell. I don’t want to attract bear with food (small dogs), because I don’t want to have to kill a problem bear - one in particular where a human has made the problem buy being careless. We also clean up the dog pooh - as dog pooh is coyote & wolf bait/food.
We never feed the dogs outdoors and all creatures are locked in at night - in a fully enclosed pen. Even the birds are only fed in the a.m. & we slow down feeding amount as spring & summer are here & the birds need to learn to fend for themselves. We DO not feed deer near the house as deer carry ‘deer tick’ and we don’t want to encourage any deer ticks on the dogs.
People ask - aren't you afraid of the wolves? Bears? Walking in the woods?
No. I am thrilled these creatures are here, there are not hear to hurt me & I am not here to hurt them. I have wanted this for as long as I remember & am conscience of the living, beautiful creatures so I accept them. When they hear me & my team in the woods - they run.
I walk with love, everywhere I go - especially in the forest. That’s why we find so many amazing fungi, birds, creatures and more. We can’t change wild beasts - we can become aware & learn to accept the beast.
The beast will decide it’s own destiny. "All paths lead to him" I love that quote.
I decided to put the 12 foot totem where it can be enjoyed, a perfect spot in the garden at the front of the house. This wolf will grace the gate, welcoming all who enter with LOVE, as it should be & NOW, I can tell people the eggs are being the wolf (on a hook) YAY!
Created to create - the more I create the more I desire to create!
Inspired by LOVE - I will SUCCEED.
Inspiredby love - you will succeed.
I know we share this land with wolves, we’ve seen & heard them… we share their land.
After the bear encounter last year, I did some educating and we never leave any food out.
We are careful with what we toss in the trash too - bears have incredible smell. I don’t want to attract bear with food (small dogs), because I don’t want to have to kill a problem bear - one in particular where a human has made the problem buy being careless. We also clean up the dog pooh - as dog pooh is coyote & wolf bait/food.
We never feed the dogs outdoors and all creatures are locked in at night - in a fully enclosed pen. Even the birds are only fed in the a.m. & we slow down feeding amount as spring & summer are here & the birds need to learn to fend for themselves. We DO not feed deer near the house as deer carry ‘deer tick’ and we don’t want to encourage any deer ticks on the dogs.
People ask - aren't you afraid of the wolves? Bears? Walking in the woods?
No. I am thrilled these creatures are here, there are not hear to hurt me & I am not here to hurt them. I have wanted this for as long as I remember & am conscience of the living, beautiful creatures so I accept them. When they hear me & my team in the woods - they run.
I walk with love, everywhere I go - especially in the forest. That’s why we find so many amazing fungi, birds, creatures and more. We can’t change wild beasts - we can become aware & learn to accept the beast.
The beast will decide it’s own destiny. "All paths lead to him" I love that quote.
I decided to put the 12 foot totem where it can be enjoyed, a perfect spot in the garden at the front of the house. This wolf will grace the gate, welcoming all who enter with LOVE, as it should be & NOW, I can tell people the eggs are being the wolf (on a hook) YAY!
Created to create - the more I create the more I desire to create!
Inspired by LOVE - I will SUCCEED.
Inspiredby love - you will succeed.