Wee, wee, wee! I can't find my way home. Inspired by Beatrix Potter 5 x 7 gouache on white framed.
The Tale of Pigling Bland was my favourite Beatrix Potter, reading over the tiny hardcover countless times.. it was the adventure and poor Pigling couldn't find his way home! My rendition above. Lost, he felt lost...
For I was lost, but now, I am found. I decided on painting a few 'mood illustrations', it helps me process information, ponder, explore colours associated with feelings and BE, be o.k. with feeling certain emotions until one can process them. Not taking the time to process properly creates anxiety, as does not knowing.
As this election nears in the USA... I don't know. It leaves me with a feeling of angst.
We are all connected, we are one - when will we get it? Reading about Korea also put me in a mood.. a mixed mood.
First, frustration then sadness, recognition, appreciation & lastly... Love, for the experience. Love for the Creator.
Pondering mushroom clouds is not necessarily a bad thing, it forces one to take a deep breath, look around and give thanks with the understanding what a difference a day (& bomb) can make. Dog hair?... What dog hair? That's free insulation! The leaves seem the most vibrant I've ever seen them! How excited I am to paint and thank the Lord for the opportunity to do so. So a few of the same 'mood' while I paint my next cutout. It's o.k. to feel all sorts of moods as we were created to do. I use to get stuck, now I just talk to Jesus more... that keeps me where I need to be. The weather looks perfect for this time of year and you should Enjoy the Day! That's what God wants... & don't be an ass. Easy peasy. There are all sorts of fall events still happening! Still time to pick the perfect pumpkin!
Pray with me!! :
By the Grace of God and a Peaceful election,
we shall all continue this journey in a positive direction!
Because of his steadfast love, I will always know my way home.
The Tale of Pigling Bland was my favourite Beatrix Potter, reading over the tiny hardcover countless times.. it was the adventure and poor Pigling couldn't find his way home! My rendition above. Lost, he felt lost...
For I was lost, but now, I am found. I decided on painting a few 'mood illustrations', it helps me process information, ponder, explore colours associated with feelings and BE, be o.k. with feeling certain emotions until one can process them. Not taking the time to process properly creates anxiety, as does not knowing.
As this election nears in the USA... I don't know. It leaves me with a feeling of angst.
We are all connected, we are one - when will we get it? Reading about Korea also put me in a mood.. a mixed mood.
First, frustration then sadness, recognition, appreciation & lastly... Love, for the experience. Love for the Creator.
Pondering mushroom clouds is not necessarily a bad thing, it forces one to take a deep breath, look around and give thanks with the understanding what a difference a day (& bomb) can make. Dog hair?... What dog hair? That's free insulation! The leaves seem the most vibrant I've ever seen them! How excited I am to paint and thank the Lord for the opportunity to do so. So a few of the same 'mood' while I paint my next cutout. It's o.k. to feel all sorts of moods as we were created to do. I use to get stuck, now I just talk to Jesus more... that keeps me where I need to be. The weather looks perfect for this time of year and you should Enjoy the Day! That's what God wants... & don't be an ass. Easy peasy. There are all sorts of fall events still happening! Still time to pick the perfect pumpkin!
Pray with me!! :
By the Grace of God and a Peaceful election,
we shall all continue this journey in a positive direction!
Because of his steadfast love, I will always know my way home.