Days like this has me doubting global warming... actually, we've not had it too cold but we sure have enough snow!
I love it, I mean if you are going to look at snow- this is snow!
Throw in that pink and blueish sky and I'm excited to paint!
I did paint some cards over the holidays, it seems most have reached their intended destinations... finally.
Guess what? Canada Post just raised their prices, isn't that something... how quickly they expect all to forget the service we've endured the past few months, destroying the possibility of holiday 'profit' for many, yet have no concerns with raising prices now to start of 2025.
So, not only are Canadians dealing with 'shrinkflation' smaller packaging and less product, higher grocery prices, bread gouging (let's not forget) recalls for lack of safety, Mega stores making mega profit but NOW they have been caught charging us MORE for less than is stated on the actual package. And - for how long!?? When will it end and some think, oh it's just a little amount of meat missing - but tests reveal -it's a LOT of meat over time and packages and a lot more money being made on selling something NOT there. WTF. Do we all NOW have to bring our own scales to the grocery stores? Why do they keep getting away with this crap? This is intentional criminal action, it's Food fraud. I think if we educated immigrants more of Canadian taxes, food prices, lack of rent, homelessness, theft increasing, jobless rates, the price of stamps & snow (like this snow) we would have fewer applications.
I have seen some videos on things going on in the USA and think to myself - when Donald gets official, sh*ts gonna hit the fan. Irony as he mocks Canada in a recent speech telling everyone, how little they need Canadians and next thing all over social media is the Canadian fire bomber planes helping with the California fires. Phhhhbt. To which I'll add - some dumb as American flew up a drone and put a hole in one. That person will regret their actions when I read it's illegal and in restricted air space. It's mind-blowing to watch, the city is still burning and they are talking LA 2.0. & the 2028 olympics, the new improved smart city on the way.. you would almost think it was planned, to clear the way.
time to paint & watch it snow!
I love it, I mean if you are going to look at snow- this is snow!
Throw in that pink and blueish sky and I'm excited to paint!
I did paint some cards over the holidays, it seems most have reached their intended destinations... finally.
Guess what? Canada Post just raised their prices, isn't that something... how quickly they expect all to forget the service we've endured the past few months, destroying the possibility of holiday 'profit' for many, yet have no concerns with raising prices now to start of 2025.
So, not only are Canadians dealing with 'shrinkflation' smaller packaging and less product, higher grocery prices, bread gouging (let's not forget) recalls for lack of safety, Mega stores making mega profit but NOW they have been caught charging us MORE for less than is stated on the actual package. And - for how long!?? When will it end and some think, oh it's just a little amount of meat missing - but tests reveal -it's a LOT of meat over time and packages and a lot more money being made on selling something NOT there. WTF. Do we all NOW have to bring our own scales to the grocery stores? Why do they keep getting away with this crap? This is intentional criminal action, it's Food fraud. I think if we educated immigrants more of Canadian taxes, food prices, lack of rent, homelessness, theft increasing, jobless rates, the price of stamps & snow (like this snow) we would have fewer applications.
I have seen some videos on things going on in the USA and think to myself - when Donald gets official, sh*ts gonna hit the fan. Irony as he mocks Canada in a recent speech telling everyone, how little they need Canadians and next thing all over social media is the Canadian fire bomber planes helping with the California fires. Phhhhbt. To which I'll add - some dumb as American flew up a drone and put a hole in one. That person will regret their actions when I read it's illegal and in restricted air space. It's mind-blowing to watch, the city is still burning and they are talking LA 2.0. & the 2028 olympics, the new improved smart city on the way.. you would almost think it was planned, to clear the way.
time to paint & watch it snow!