Still painting my saw...
Do you know what the Shroud of Turin is? It is the cloth that is said to have wrapped Jesus, when he was placed in the tomb. Many tests have been preformed and many skeptics - have come to believe. Sooner or later, all believe, according to The Word Of God.
AI took all the information from the Shroud and created the image below:
Do you know what the Shroud of Turin is? It is the cloth that is said to have wrapped Jesus, when he was placed in the tomb. Many tests have been preformed and many skeptics - have come to believe. Sooner or later, all believe, according to The Word Of God.
AI took all the information from the Shroud and created the image below:
Wow. Incredible... Awesome.
I see a lot of AI, as I am sure everyone is, some you can tell and some is a little more difficult. For example with the recent Trump clips of him being sworn in and others at his event are now circulating , enhanced with AI and some are indeed amusing. Most silly and I wonder why anyone would waste their time creating such stuff, but someone is going to watch. There are countless animal AI creations - from frightening creatures to dogs walking in human outfits and truly - the animation is flawless and advanced, you can't deny. Trump dancing - has endless AI enhanced videos.
Most art work I find has the same 'feel' & similarities and it's already becoming boring. AI used with the information already provide by the Shroud is mind blowing - an impressive use of AI, IMO. It also adds more confirmation of The Kind who was, is and always will be. I will try to paint (of course) this image, just for my own enjoyment. For my love.
Anyway.. I just wanted to share something AWESOME with you all - JESUS!
I had the idea today to take the information from the Song of Solomon (describing woman) an see what it turns out like, just the idea amuses me.. breast like fawns - cheeks like pomegranate, neck like a tower.. albeit I'm not a fan of AI so I'll probably pass, not worth the time and effort. I'd rather ponder Jesus than play with AI.
I have painting to create, dogs to play with, books to read, research to do and God to thank for the continued adventure!!
Have a creative day!
I see a lot of AI, as I am sure everyone is, some you can tell and some is a little more difficult. For example with the recent Trump clips of him being sworn in and others at his event are now circulating , enhanced with AI and some are indeed amusing. Most silly and I wonder why anyone would waste their time creating such stuff, but someone is going to watch. There are countless animal AI creations - from frightening creatures to dogs walking in human outfits and truly - the animation is flawless and advanced, you can't deny. Trump dancing - has endless AI enhanced videos.
Most art work I find has the same 'feel' & similarities and it's already becoming boring. AI used with the information already provide by the Shroud is mind blowing - an impressive use of AI, IMO. It also adds more confirmation of The Kind who was, is and always will be. I will try to paint (of course) this image, just for my own enjoyment. For my love.
Anyway.. I just wanted to share something AWESOME with you all - JESUS!
I had the idea today to take the information from the Song of Solomon (describing woman) an see what it turns out like, just the idea amuses me.. breast like fawns - cheeks like pomegranate, neck like a tower.. albeit I'm not a fan of AI so I'll probably pass, not worth the time and effort. I'd rather ponder Jesus than play with AI.
I have painting to create, dogs to play with, books to read, research to do and God to thank for the continued adventure!!
Have a creative day!