It's mushroom season & they're popping up everywhere! Yoda on a foray is on the easel.. day 3, so far.
Acrylic on canvas. It's raining and GREEN is the prominent colour - every shade of green, stimulating the mind to paint green - Yoda or Kermit comes to mind. Yoda should be completed this evening. It's a terrific day to paint, as always.
I enjoy the process of pencil sketching as much as painting.
Paint & take a break from the news.. someone walking in a school district in Toronto with a rifle (apparently) was shot & killed. So be it- if you walk around a school with a gun (days after a school shooting) - you should be shot. It's frustrating stating this is a mental illness issue, it's a gun issue. Countless individuals throughout history suffer from mental illness & have had extremely difficult lives, yet they don't going around shooting, killing innocent, children, unable to protect themselves. Perhaps if these individuals are shot on sight & receive NO publicity, no media attention - they will stop.
Texas is in pain right now, but soon it will become angry & anger will bring about change.
Change will bring about forgiveness & possibly even compassion.
Monkey pox.. I think will get worse before better, since it can be caught off of something as simple as clothing or touch, not a good time to travel imo. I noticed an association being made in the news today explicitly with the contagion at a sauna, much like with AIDS & I read something I thought was powerful:
Remember, humans are not the enemy - the enemy is the disease.
Love heals all.
Check out this sweet little Buddha hat I see daily.
Spent time in nature & you will remember God & focus on GOOD.
Acrylic on canvas. It's raining and GREEN is the prominent colour - every shade of green, stimulating the mind to paint green - Yoda or Kermit comes to mind. Yoda should be completed this evening. It's a terrific day to paint, as always.
I enjoy the process of pencil sketching as much as painting.
Paint & take a break from the news.. someone walking in a school district in Toronto with a rifle (apparently) was shot & killed. So be it- if you walk around a school with a gun (days after a school shooting) - you should be shot. It's frustrating stating this is a mental illness issue, it's a gun issue. Countless individuals throughout history suffer from mental illness & have had extremely difficult lives, yet they don't going around shooting, killing innocent, children, unable to protect themselves. Perhaps if these individuals are shot on sight & receive NO publicity, no media attention - they will stop.
Texas is in pain right now, but soon it will become angry & anger will bring about change.
Change will bring about forgiveness & possibly even compassion.
Monkey pox.. I think will get worse before better, since it can be caught off of something as simple as clothing or touch, not a good time to travel imo. I noticed an association being made in the news today explicitly with the contagion at a sauna, much like with AIDS & I read something I thought was powerful:
Remember, humans are not the enemy - the enemy is the disease.
Love heals all.
Check out this sweet little Buddha hat I see daily.
Spent time in nature & you will remember God & focus on GOOD.