We were out and about on the weekend to check out the Enchanted Forest at Abby Gardens- what a cool premise for tiny beings! It is truly a creative place & I hope to brighten it up a bit.. this pandemic thing tho has interrupted - everything.
Nothing was as easy as it once was- grocery shopping for example is a chore I don't enjoy - walk this way ( people not following)... people getting impatient, some in masks, most not.. arguing in the parking lot, before we even got out of our vehicle we watched a man & women yelling at each other over masks or lack of & distance at the grocery store.
Norm & I both noticed something else & it's quite a conundrum - we want to go out to encourange the local economy (as being promoted on the local radio station - constantly), we are keeping busy - building. BUT the treatment on the weekend was... messed up.
One store (hardware) had an employee OBVIOUSLY SICK - hacking in her mask- WTF? Who cares IF it's NOT COVID!? The Mind says- YIKES. Other employees - some in masks some not - were 'not' helpful... I watched some who avoided customers and I don't blame them. I guess THEY MUST work & some are clearly STILL Not comfortable with that.
Another store we went into to buy material & other items - the woman SNAPPED at us, yelling across the store - "I'll need to cut that!!!" accompanied with a dirty look - Yes, I am aware you might be asked to provide SERVICE.
If you have a problem tell me at the door and I'll happily KEEP out.
Again - yet another business - unlike others.. you can only step in the door and look from there only. Not happening, my brain struggles with normal shopping trips -I admit - I can't do it... it creates anxiety and I just want OUT.
So - so much for supporting the local economy. It's one thing to spend your money but to spend it on blatant shitty service & insults - cowabunga. I'll stay home & save money.
I get it- BUT what I DO not get it allowing it to happen- if your employees are NOT happy - figure something out because I'll tell you - the ONE store- we will never go in again. & I know I'm not alone... who would? Why would you give business to someone who treats you badly? I understand it's difficult times- but not wise to take it out on your CUSTOMERS. Am I wrong? It was not just the one store- it was MOST of them.
Our business lost for good. Covid or no covid- You don't yell at customers for no reason.
We did stop in to Haliburton breweries (not yet fully functional) & the service thankfully, was friendly & enjoyable - so much so I picked up a Ukulele. Time to teach my brian something new- of course I had to paint it first! It's made by Flight - so I painted 'Flight.
I'm excited to try- it might be difficult with fingers that don't bend, still I'll try.
I enjoyed painting this so much I'm picking up another- the idea already imagined.
I do think they can open the patio as of this FRIDAY.
I encourage to visit if you can - it's a neat place. Halliburton Brewery
What NEW hobby would you like to teach your brain?
With TLC & THC
Nothing was as easy as it once was- grocery shopping for example is a chore I don't enjoy - walk this way ( people not following)... people getting impatient, some in masks, most not.. arguing in the parking lot, before we even got out of our vehicle we watched a man & women yelling at each other over masks or lack of & distance at the grocery store.
Norm & I both noticed something else & it's quite a conundrum - we want to go out to encourange the local economy (as being promoted on the local radio station - constantly), we are keeping busy - building. BUT the treatment on the weekend was... messed up.
One store (hardware) had an employee OBVIOUSLY SICK - hacking in her mask- WTF? Who cares IF it's NOT COVID!? The Mind says- YIKES. Other employees - some in masks some not - were 'not' helpful... I watched some who avoided customers and I don't blame them. I guess THEY MUST work & some are clearly STILL Not comfortable with that.
Another store we went into to buy material & other items - the woman SNAPPED at us, yelling across the store - "I'll need to cut that!!!" accompanied with a dirty look - Yes, I am aware you might be asked to provide SERVICE.
If you have a problem tell me at the door and I'll happily KEEP out.
Again - yet another business - unlike others.. you can only step in the door and look from there only. Not happening, my brain struggles with normal shopping trips -I admit - I can't do it... it creates anxiety and I just want OUT.
So - so much for supporting the local economy. It's one thing to spend your money but to spend it on blatant shitty service & insults - cowabunga. I'll stay home & save money.
I get it- BUT what I DO not get it allowing it to happen- if your employees are NOT happy - figure something out because I'll tell you - the ONE store- we will never go in again. & I know I'm not alone... who would? Why would you give business to someone who treats you badly? I understand it's difficult times- but not wise to take it out on your CUSTOMERS. Am I wrong? It was not just the one store- it was MOST of them.
Our business lost for good. Covid or no covid- You don't yell at customers for no reason.
We did stop in to Haliburton breweries (not yet fully functional) & the service thankfully, was friendly & enjoyable - so much so I picked up a Ukulele. Time to teach my brian something new- of course I had to paint it first! It's made by Flight - so I painted 'Flight.
I'm excited to try- it might be difficult with fingers that don't bend, still I'll try.
I enjoyed painting this so much I'm picking up another- the idea already imagined.
I do think they can open the patio as of this FRIDAY.
I encourage to visit if you can - it's a neat place. Halliburton Brewery
What NEW hobby would you like to teach your brain?
With TLC & THC