What did we do - not much, watched television, ate and chatted about the year past, as we admired f’ish photos’ on the mantle! LOL It was a great year. it started with an event early in early January, allowing me to stop, sit back and BREATH. for the first time in a very long time. I cut back and started to draw only what inspired and less what angered. No deadlines or drama.
Researching Cannabis, I learned about more pain and specifically children and parents that helplessly (& NEEDLESSLY) watch them suffer. I learned about the war on Drugs > a war on poor, already suffering in most cases. That educated me on human trafficking.
All I can think - is why? Over a plant are we punishing each other, while lives are treated like trash.
No wonder my eyes twitchin ;) I can’t get angry.
I can’t hate what I don’t understand.
All I can do is express an opinion. One that might make others think and possibly LOVE - just a little.
I made better friends with an atheist, over an ‘anti Jesus’ post on Christmas eve!
Miracles are everywhere! LOL! I’M LOL - but I’m far from joking!!
I like the guy! I asked him ‘why?’ Why be an ass, more or less? How is it any different from respecting someone's choices to use a medicine that helps with pain! We are advocates for the right to be happy, pain free and Plant Preferred.
Jesus helps with all my pain. Whatever it takes! ;) If you profess 'ONE love', then lets try just that. Me included. I admit it, apologize and move on. If anyone wants to keep me there - that is their choice not mine. All I can do is keep trying to be who I was created to be! It gets easier as you find more peace and enjoy doing what you love.
So, I felt good this morning, even at 5 a.m. as poppy was cleaning my nostrils. Wake up mom! I have to pee and you are coming with me!
I was up. I acknowledged my twitch “Still here?” and got ready to read as I do every day.
A Course in Miracles. I only read one bit every day to process. I make notes and circle what makes me smile, feel loved and keeps me going throughout my day.. sometimes ideas literally leap into my mind that make me smile and I can’t wait to draw.. (I’m working on one now) I did not read it though- lol, poppy snuggled on my lap and we both drifted back to sleep in the chair.
Up again at 7 I checked my e mail on this first day on January 2015 and these were the first lines of an e mail:
‘This new years eve letter might change your life forever.
What do you think about ‘maybe’ doing a book together?’
!!! My year starts with a Miracle! Can you feel my face beam through your screen? lol
This is just the beginning! More on what is happing in 2015, the next few days.
I’m working with some very talented, LOVING people!
All here to make this world a better place, using their gifts.
Be High & Mighty - with Good intentions ;)
xox <><
New toon first thing tomorrow - The ink is still wet.