Can patients continue to grow their own medicine?
This cartoon means no disrespect, quite the opposite in my mind.
Storm told me 'the verdict will be in on Wednesday around noon'.
I had no fear cross my mind. I feel at peace.
I KNOW the right decision has to be made. The world is watching.
The Supreme Court of Canada will let medical patients continue to grow their own cannabis.
I think people will have to be "grand fathered in" :
Grandfathered in is the right or sanction provided in a statute, zoning ordinance, law etc exempting a person or entity from certain provisions contained there in, to maintain their present activities, which will be affected by the new statute, ordinance etc. For example, the Federal Assault Weapons Ban made it illegal to sell and own a semi automatic weapon that was manufactured after the date the law went into effect. Weapons that were manufactured before that date were "grandfathered in" and were allowed to be legally owned and sold.
**American definition, the same meaning - ironic they discuss guns.
Which is the only outcome I can imagine.
When we applied for medical cannabis for Storm at the age of 14, we were told "he was too young but he could have a designated grower!" I remember the conversation like it was yesterday and Storms face when she told us this. The rest is history.
Frankly, we invested thousands of dollars & took out a loan with the bank, countess hours, endless research over the years to assure Storm has the best medicine available for him, his body, his needs & now mine & we do. Thank God & our grower. :)
When you have a child diagnosed with a terminal illness and see how cannabis helps - YOU would DO what ever you can to ease his pain and keep it away for as long as possible.
There is no way they can NOW come and tell people 'we changed our minds.'
I do NOT believe Canada would turn patients not criminals over plants.
Many with severe terminal illnesses, unlike the media portrays.
The stress alone this case has added to many patients I can tell you first hand, has been severely CRIMINAL.
I do not believe Canada will now revoke & refuse patients already given permission and even promoted to grow their own cannabis PLANTS.
Come on we all see where this is going anyhow in a few years... Tweed & Snoop dog?
I blogged over a year ago about how it was going to be just like a 'brand name beer'.
Personally I was disappointed, as a mother of a child who suffers like Storm has & the stress added to our lives with all the bullshit with Steven Haper (good riddance) and soon it will all be just a big recreational drug business. I have nothing against 'Snoop' btw, just another business man.
Patients have been slapped in the face and kicked to the curb. Made to suffer over $$$
Oh well- business is business and if not them then someone else. I'm still hearing and seeing all kinds of horror stories about shitty meds that patients are getting from some of these legitimate legal grows and paying $$$ for.
For something everyone could grow in their backyard for personal enjoyment, like our tomatoes that we jar at the end of a season.
'Grandfathered in' - makes me kinda sad.. they do this because they know we are not well, when we die the right to grows dies with us.
I believe it is a God given right, everyone should be able to grow this PLANT if they choose to do so. IT IS A PLANT we are talking about - never forget that. Please.
Just like beer- we can make it but we'd rather go to the beer store - most of us.
Only this is NOT beer- NOT alcohol (which hurts) it is MEDICINE that is saving my sons life. & mine.
The Verdict is simple.
Canada we love you & we know you love us back!!
'You got our back '- I'm not worried.
So let's Celebrate!!!
<>< xox
When checking out the Supreme court of Canadasite they have a terrific download for kids!!! Very interesting and interactive. I was please and impressed. ;)