Today, I want to remember to Teach only Love.
I was speaking with a friend about a very serious, delicate subject.. we were discussing a young girl saying 'she is hearing voices.' And Not the good kind.
How frightening it must be for anyone, and IS for those that say they hear voices, but for a child, confused and starting to understand a not so perfect world... it must be staggering at times.
I was speaking with my husband and son about this and I said 'I hear voices all the time.'
Don't we ALL hear voices? Some call 'it' a conscience, Ego, Madness, Spirit, demons, Jesus & God, to name a few of peoples perceptions.
Norm said he always wrestles with the voice in his head, questioning.. figuring out.
I am learning to LISTEN to the voice of God more often and THRILLED. I have happily handed over my brain that wants to wallow in confusion, self pity, pain and sadness.
I want to focus on LOVE, Peace, Healing of hearts and being a Positive light. Simple.
The Voice of God for me is the voice of Good.
I listened to 'the other' for years and all that I ever walked away with was self doubt, fear and feeling lonely, angry & depressed.
Still it is a daily challenge! Between daily altercations, health issues LIFE - we constantly are forced to listen and 'CHOOSE', WHAT we want to listen to.
I will say that this choice takes constant thought, practice, patience and faith.
Listen to only LOVE for that is what we are. We are born to love.
We learn to hate.
So Choose.. What will you teach today?
xox <><