Check out this beautiful vid on a Bluejay if you have not seen one!
These birds have stole my heart and peanuts. I do not see them all the time, but they really do call and alert me as to when they are ready to visit the feeder so I can catch a glimpse if sit an watch after hearing that call. I had to paint another and this one I am keeping.
It just had a desire of it's own and the colors flowed.
I like how you can see th fine lines of the saw engraved in the paint if you look closely, and you can not see it but the small brushstrokes look like feathers! What a wonderful. relaxing way to spend a Saturday!
Today is Sunday and my son is taking me to the city! THC - I have not been there in years,
looking for some hemp clothing.. I hope Cody is there- one of my preferred people on the planet. Then, we are going to a meeting/discussion put on by students for sensible drug policy . Just the name of that organization instills HOPE in my mind.
Too bad there was not such an organization for Politicians - lol
Read more here:
I am excited - Education! Mushrooms & more. Mushrooms for healing - I've been paying close attention to this topic and I believe it will be the next MEDICINE to be explored.
No more made made poison - lets try to heal the way intended by God.
And lunch - a wonderful day ahead. I have been thinking of a saw blade with a mushroom on it - I KNOW, I'll come home inspired!
Don't FORGET to enter the contest on the post below!!
I will draw for the Mini Blade on Tuesday!
You just comment under Poppy's photo where is says.. comment lol
Have Faith!