This is a tricky toon. In all honesty I have had this conversation recently. What if? If you are having surgery anywhere I think at some point you ask- what if? I personally would want the plug pulled. I remember in college we watched "Who's Life is it Anyway?" With Richard Dryfus. Still an argument that continues today. People who do not want to continue life. People who are in agony every day and tired and CAN NOT be helped medically... a woman is fighting this now. It is a difficult call but I feel it is her life and why not have the option to do it safely - she said she will do it regardless. Should it not be an option? Then we have incredible people like Steven Hawkins sets an example like no other- We are blessed for him and his wonderful mind. He is only one of many that are dealt with situations that I can not even possibly imagine what their life must be like. No one can. UNLESS YOU LIVE IT.
I know of an artist who blows my mind when I see his MOUTH painted art!
In the movie Richard is an artist. Works with his hands and is paralyzed from the neck down. IT is his life, he breaths art. I often think I'd go insane if I could not draw. I guess you don't really think of these thing until you are in that situation. If I was just going to lay there. Pull the plug.
ANYWAY I don't now how my crazy brain thought of this cartoon, I was watching a monsanto Doc on PIGS!! Now it's pigs! That means no more bacon - or mass produced bacon.. Scary. Really! What will we be eating in the future! They said Agent orange was fine, Dr.s use to praise smoking tobacco after a long day. I read an article watermelons were exploding from being a product of GMO. The GMO salmon are meaner and nastier!
Can you imagine the pigs!? WE PUT this stuff in our bellies people!
So before I published I realized this toon just might hurt some feelings. It is how I feel personally. Everyone should be able to make up their own mind, and I was not thinking of human vegetables when drawing it really - I was thinking Tomatoes, Corn, Soy, Beans, Peas, Watermelons, Beets - EVERYTHING that grows-! Say No to GMO.
xox <><
The Doc. if interested : patent for a pig !
Wow- who the F*&^ do they think they are they can patent one of God's creations and WHY do they THINK we will let them control our lives like that?
xox <><