We are as great as our hearts and mind remind us we are.
I am powerful.
I realized this last week - not because of who I am, what I do or even what I have - more, because I remembered 'God has my back.' Remember this and all else falls away. The key - is to remember it... always.
On my mind.. Goodbye Laurie
I read a friend died last week. Laurie Turnpenny Atkinson. Laurie and I were friends in our early 20's. I introduced her to her former husband (and still friend) John!
They married the week before Norm and I & I was glad to hear they remained friends till her death. Laurie suffered for years from a battle with cancer, she was cut (literally) from top to bottom on her torso. She was proud to show you - IT MEANT SHE HAD SURVIVED.
As soon as she could - Laurie would be up again & Running -to educate on health and eating right and not stopping for anyone or anything.
Her Faith in God was incredibly strong.
Unfortunately the last couple of years we did not speak much, not fighting ether.. we had exchanged a couple of e mail, I was not well - she was not well and - it showed.
This is also a side effect of chronic illness and pain.. words said, ways parted - not over each other - but from each others pain. & exhaustion.
Laurie knew I loved her. I've no doubts.
It brought me to tears when I saw her obituary, she leaves behind a daughter Amy, the same age as Storm & will be missed by her dog.. ;(
Laurie is now at peace. Goodbye friend.
Have faith