I am determined to direct my energy to positive drawing, education and not towards wasting my time talking to narrow minded individuals who are usually not only miserable with medicinal cannabis but wih life in general.
Storm is always much calmer than I - he has nothing to prove to anyone. He knows how Cannabis helps him and could care less about anyone else’s option especially those that are not aware of the science + facts of medicinal cannabis. He has the best proof ... living proof ;-))) He teaches me time and time again: Keep CALM and carry on.
Lets face it I did not get the nickname “mamabear” for no reason... he is no longer a cub but will always be my son whom I love with all my heart. So the next time you think about cracking off and passing judgement - realize you probably DO NOT know the entire situation and you should just keep your opinions to yourself.
If you have nothing nice to say .. Keep QUIET. I am so looking forward to 2012
My son does looks terrific (and handsome) ! Thank God!! xox <><