Our mushroom meal, Thursday my son took em to dinner with the Mycological society! They have a meal - the last was in May I believe, and it was terrific!
My son is now the director of the Forays! He really enjoyed them and was asked if he would consider helping and excepted ;) I am always proud of Storm but thrilled he is pursuing his interests & helping.
This evening was o.k... lol It was awesome because I had the evening with Storm & saw several I had not seen in a while, I met some new people and had had 'a meal'.
I say 'a meal' because in all honesty, the meal was o.k.. I use to run a restaurant and I can tell you, we had some talented chefs. Ken, Troy and Erin (a woman - and she was my favourite) and I know what went into having a packed house and thought that went into preparing a special menu... the food was o.k.
My seat was jammed in a corner, no one else could get it or out I had to step over a chair ?
It was a safety hazard to say the least.
As soon as the meal was finished it was 'wham, bam, get the fuck out vibe'. I hardly had one SIP of my coffee - it was taken and all the drinks were cleared off the tables.
On top of that it hit me at 2:00a.m., abruptly. ;( Kowabung.. not fun. I spent between 2 & 7 in the bathroom. Another friend told me she does not attend for the same reason - the variety of mushrooms seems to upset her stomach. I'm not sure if it was that or the oil that we dipped our bread into that tasted rancid. I will not promote the restaurant - my mom told me it was too bad, she and my dad use to go there years ago and 'the Italian was amazing.'
I woke this a.m., read and drew the following cartoon. I don't get it all the talks of the denying refugees... what it does boil down to is people. people needing help. people wanting what we already have. Why wouldn't they want to go to the USA - the land of $ and dreams and STUFF and commercials about FOOD & stuff and the Karddashians - look how OTHERS live! IF I watched Television that is what I might think also. I don't.
I DO have some good friends in the states, ( we say that here: 'in the states...')
Good people who care about people.
ONE love means just that.
Really, they are coming over on boats hungry, cold, abused and beat down. With the clothes on their back. IF we all donated one OUTfit - well that would be that problem solved right there. Someone made me think about his when they said what about our American Children - who ae hungry - why ask me - ASK your government.
Charity begins as home. - but that does not mean it should stop there.
Of course there will be bad people. THERE are already BAD people everywhere who could bomb what ever they want.
What IF it was you? And the bible belt? Jesus loving humans out there - I am one of them.
Really?? How can you say you believe and turn he other cheek- in a bad way. Denial.
This, this is the true test. Not if you swear, even have an affair.. turning away people who need it and are suffering and dying.
Norm said the Derringer of Q107 said "Americans said 'if you let in the immigrants we'll go up to Canada'... lol How is this any different?
Where did your parents come from?
& their parents?
Just curious.
Do you believe - then ask yourself What would jesus do. Simple.
Have Faith