They moved in and for whatever reason 'Scruffy and Charlie' decided to attack each other 'through' the fence every chance they got. Until Daisy came along and taught Scruff, NOT to behave like that! Thank Goodness.
I only see these 2 in winter when I look out my side window, sometimes I can see them in the backyard now that there are no leaves.
I asked my neighbors daughter for photos this past summer- lol - I might have told her - by the way - it takes me a bit. I am sure she thinks I forgot.
Well the other morning, I saw old Charlie and he fell off the back deck. :( Just old I could tell. Like Tequila- it won't be long for our old girl.
So, I thought - I better get that drawing done!
As I started to draw I could hear them bark!
"It's about time Georgia!"
Today I will get Storm to run it next door. She has no clue.
We rarely even speak. I just wanted too. I am very please with the drawing.
Just the thought of them getting this - I KNOW they loves their dogs.. makes me smile.
Love thy neighbor - the dogs too! See Scruffy in the drawing?
It was also my first attempt at hydrangeas, (I peeked over the fence in the summer)
they turned out pretty neat If I do say so!
Later today - New Cannabis Cartoon!
xox <>< Have faith!