Let me clarify - how do you fight? (LOOK AT TOON BELOW)
You fight by educating others including Dr.s. IF you believe Cannabis is beneficial to your health then explain why. Better yet bring proof. I bring copies of magazines to every Dr. I see. **I admit I am lucky I have extra copies of all the great magazines ;-)- if you do not then find info and print it off, make a cannabis education package. LEAVE it with your Dr. regardless of the decision they make, hopefully they will read it and get more knowledge on the subject. There are so many documented cases now on SO MANY ailments.
Do your research, go to your Dr. and if they says no then he/she owes you an explanation why... Dr.s work for us! If he/she says no- then I suggest you remind them of the oath he/she took, your rights a human and wanting to chose the best options for your own health. If they still say no- then thank them & tell him you will be looking for a new Dr. That is what you have to do. There are Dr.s out there who do care and are educated on the subject and some that are paying attention. I will say one this this only applies if you believe.
If you just want to get high - your on your own. IF that is the case then I also suggest you do your part by educating people! Tell them about the medical facts, how it is SAFE drug compared to other legal drugs such as alcohol and Tobacco and pre-scribed drugs. How much harm the war on drugs is harming people all OVER this PLANET! From jail to death. PUSH for legalization. VOTE. SUPPORT.
No one gets a free ride.
IF you believe in CANNABIS stand up for what you believe in.
Change minds first.