It's on the list. Along with today- cleaning my office and painting room, again.
Starting to draw the cover for Cannabis Digest- I lay all the past issues I did on my bed last night and choose what I liked out of each one- and shall combine them for the next!
It's exciting!
Getting ready to hunker down for the fall and winter months ahead.
I am also looking into moving so far - up North- Halliburton looks good.
Do you know of a small Canadian town you love, close to water?
Let me know.. I must be close to water.
Not* B.C., I'm more of a PEI/Nova Scotia sort of person.
I'll have the winter to research all I need to know.
Today, one of my favourite birds- huge beasts when you see them in comparison to house sparrows, some big enough make me think they might air lift an unexpected Poppy if not careful! lol It is in the 'details stage..' (kinda like me) I'lll share it tomorrow with the new cartoon on Human Trafficking.
Ravens represent change and there is much change happening. Inside and out.
I ask for patience for me and from you, while I focus on what I need to do.
I have my first cartoon with a new perspective on the drawing desk (try to bring awareness for better education to HELP anyone I can), the Raven Queen is just my mental warm up.
I must apologize to a few patient post card- expectant recipients... Opps! I found some with a comic or two that should have went out- ONLY to fall behind the dresser they were sitting on!! Mail is soon on the way!
How will you take 'one step' to bring awareness to it today?
Start a conversation, write a blog, write to your MP... PM, an editor of a local paper.
Draw about it. Make protest sign -even if you only carry it for one day!
Join a group supporting the same cause you are concerned about.
Research more- and try to find out what you can to to help bring about some sort of change.
Anything - beats nothing every time.
Have faith
xox <><