Our year ended with Norm getting a bonus to bring tears! To both out eyes! LOL
Not even the bonus but the fact that he appears to be working for a great guy & company! He comes home happy! Excited to tell me about the job that he did! Not the bullshit he had to put up with. The drive is no longer an issue and he is as happy as can be - so are we!
Storm ended his year on a very positive note - one he has been struggling with for over a year! Enough is enough, time for change. I can’t tell you how proud his dad and I both were for him being a man and taking charge & Remaining the gentleman that he obviously is.
I received a Christmas card from a old friend, she follows wrote she follows me on FB and is inspired by the battle that I ‘choose’ to stand up for on FB. It was a beautiful card, caught me out of the blue ;-) but it had me thinking yes, we do have our battles on FB Many also have other battles, I had several serious ones this past year. Most concerning and on going my health, but we had a couple of others as well. Ones you ARE NOT reading about on Face Book. We all do. I think that is important to remember.
Many worried, confused as we head into a new year and they should be. It is concerning their health and financial issues - many already struggling on disability - NOT because they want to be! Not everyone IS a FAKER.
I will end this by saying I am so proud of myself! Recovering from surgery - I did continue to fight for a few things I BELIEVED! To comment’s like “ It won’t happen”,
“Give it up..” and ‘good luck..’ BUT I persisted! As exhausted as I feel - I am done!!!
I deserve to be here! YOU deserve to be here! We deserve the right to be happy!
DO no harm - and carry on! Carry on providing health! What ever it takes!
Today we had some POSITIVE over due news in this home.
Because, I did not GIVE UP.
We are heading into 2014 on a very positive note!
Change is in the air and those other fights - they were not the ones I chose to share on FB because they were not the ones MOST important to me.
Wow, Now I have even more time to focus on what is!
Thank You God!
That being said, I DO need admit-tingly, to rest daily, and I NEED to do what I love best and that is draw. Less time on FB. I’m looking into ways to tame the beast! ;) No, Not Norm, the twitch. I have a few projects on the Go!
I feel blessed today, a weight lifted like no other, prayers were answered!!!
As long as He gives me the gift of a new day I will give it my best in return!
<>< xox